Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tidbit numero uno

I just woke up from a lengthy nap that was much needed. I've been fighting a cold for a better part of a week. Lost my voice for a little bit but I'm hoping that it will leave my system soon.

Spent most of today looking for books that I need. A good friend also directed me to So now more decision that I have to make in regards to where I want to study under. Birtharts does have have a distance education.

I'm really enjoying reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I really wish there was something like the farm close to Windsor. Maybe one day I have my own birthing centre with all like minded people helping the women of Southwestern Ontario birth the way their bodies want them to instead of the way the Doctors want them to. Seeing that Windsor has the highest epidural rate and c-section rate of any hospital in Ontario so things really need to turn around. More women in Windsor need to know about doula and midwifry care in order to turn things more natural. However, we also need more midwives in this area. My midwife practices out of Leamington and has one partner who is going on Maternity leave when I have Maddie. They are desparately looking for more midwives. As well the midwives of Windsor are swamped and with them you need to call them as soon as you pee on a stick!

Off to do more laundry. I've done a trillion loads and probably still need to do 10 more. It never ends and this is without a newborn with cloth diapers to wash.

Enjoy the snow to those that have it!


  1. there is nothing enjoyable about the snow. =p

  2. I love the new look of your blog!!

    Keep chugging away mama and I hope your dream of your own birthing center will come true!!

  3. We're finally getting some snow out this way! Hooray!

    I really hope that through passionate people like you, the epi and c-sec rates will turn around and see a decline in the coming years. You can do it!

  4. Thanks girls! I need to reread my posts before posting them.
